Resource Recovery from Incineration Bottom Ash: Basics, Concepts, Principles
Michal Šyc, Franz-Georg Simon, Laura Biganzoli, Mario Grosso and Jirí Hykš
Utilisation of Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA) from Waste Incineration – Prospects and Limits
Jirí Hykš and Ole Hjelmar
Thermo-Recycling – Efficient Recovery of Valuable Materials from Dry Bottom Ash
Daniel Böni and Leo Morf
Recovery of Resources in Bottom Ash – Semi Dry Concept
Jens Kallesøe and Søren Dyhr-Jensen
Direct Wet Treatment of Fresh, Wet-Discharged Grate Ash from a Waste Incineration Plant
Gerhard Stockinger
Mining Incinerator Bottom Ash for Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals and Precious Metals
Jan-Peter Born
Recovery of Metals from Waste Incineration Bottom Ash
Rainer Bunge