EU Policy
Overview of Current Developments in EU Policy
Ella Stengler and Maxime Pernal-Stoddart
The Path to the Green Deal for EU Waste Management: the Integrated Resource-Recovery Facility
Patrick Clerens
Country Reports
Waste Management and Energy from Waste in India – State and Perspectives
Denis Bauer and Ramesh Chivukula
Overview of the Waste Management System and its Perspective in Major Cities of Pakistan
Mudassar Azam, Iffat Noreen, Hamda Ayub and Muhammad Furqan Mughal
United Kingdom Energy from Waste Statistics – 2021
Chris Jonas
Technologies, Concepts and Market
ISWA White Book on Energy-from-Waste Technologies
Christophe Cord‘homme
Advanced Concepts for Thermal Treatment of Waste and Sewage Sludge in Europe
Gerhard Lohe and Thorsten Becker
EPCM – Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management: Chances and Risks
Hosam Saboula
Sewage Sludge
Overview of Existing Processes and Technologies for Thermal Sewage Sludge Treatment
Andrea Stooß and Bernd Neumann
The Market for Sewage Sludge Management in Europe until 2030 – Resource Use, Prices, Market Potentials and Strategies at the Example of Germany and Austria
Dirk Briese
Solid Recovered Fuels
Trends in the Use of Solid Recovered Fuels
Giovanni Ciceri
Co-Processing of Solid Recovered Fuel – A Circular Approach in the Cement Industry
Sandra Viczek, Roland Pomberger and Renato Sarc
Bottom Ashes and Fly Ashes Circular Economy Options for Bottom Ashes and Fly Ashes from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration
Jakob Lederer, Dominik Blasenbauer, Felix Feher, Johann Fellner, Simon Hofer and Julia Mühl
CO2 Capture, Storage and Utilisation
Overview of CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage in the Waste-to-Energy Sector in Europe
Aurélie Moll and Felix Schaub
11 Reasons why Carbon Capture Should be Prioritized in the Waste to Energy Sector
Tom Croymans, Benoit Englebert, Andrew Wightman, Jose Izquierdo and Andreas Hoffmann
Potentials in Waste Incineration Plants for Sector Coupling and CO2 Capture
Wolfram Dietz, Michael Schönemann, Nina Thiel and Wolfgang Rommel
From Carbon Capture to Chemicals and Fuels
Malte Bieber
Planned CO2 Capture and Utilisation for the WtE Plant Krakow against the Background of the Polish Market
Development in the Context of Circular Economy Targets
Jakub Bator